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I love this red “barn” chicken coop sent in by the Green Family in Buckley, Washington! Isn’t it beautiful? It looks like a barn hen house with a larger run area built on. They have six chickens and get about 2 eggs a day during the winter (they don’t keep lights on in the winter).
The inside is a BEAUTIFUL wood – looks like cedar? With vents on either sides, and great roosting areas. It’s so nice, I think I’d stay in here!
These galvanized water and food feeders are very popular. We have the feed one pictured on the left. You can find them at most feed stores. Amazon carries a ton of selection as well
This post is part of my weekly chicken coop tour, featuring a different reader-submitted chicken coop every Saturday morning. The Green Family will get a $10 Amazon gift card for having their chicken coop featured on the site. Do you have a chicken coop? If so, send me a photo! If I feature your coop you’ll get a $10 gift card! Here are all the details for sending in your coop.
I’d love it if you’d follow my chicken coop board over on Pinterest! I hope to add a bunch more photos and resources to it this year.
See previous chicken coops in the tour:
- Colorful Predator-Proof Chicken Coop in Olympia, Washington
- Turning a wedding dress into a chicken coop (Tacoma, Washington)
Chicken resources:
- Building Chicken Coops For Dummies – $12.76 (reg. $19.99)
- Chicken Coops: 45 Building Ideas for Housing Your Flock – $13.57 (reg. $19.95)
- *Great book!*The Joy of Keeping Chickens: The Ultimate Guide to Raising Poultry for Fun or Profit (The Joy of Series) – $10.17
- *Great book!* Storey’s Guide to Raising Chickens, 3rd Edition – $12.36
mary says
I live in Buckley and am looking for someone to build me a coop. Can you give more info on the Green family please?
Aimee says
Thanks! So neat to see! I am very interested in having a coop of my own someday!