Dear, sweet, friends. I’m so excited to tell you about this big change in our lives. You are my people, my community and I’ve been bursting to tell you . . .
In just a couple weeks my family and I will say goodbye to our traditional home and move into a 180-ish square foot Airstream trailer. Not just for a weekend camping trip – but for a year. And we’ll take that shiny, tiny home all around this beautiful country.
That’s right. We’re ditching mainstream. . .for an adventure in an Airstream.
I know this sounds crazy. Let me explain. . . .
We’ve spent the last 12 years pursuing the American Dream – a 2,000 square foot house, two cars, two full-time jobs, a couple vacations a year, kids in public school and preschool – we worked extremely hard and were very happy, grateful and blessed.
Life was good but we wanted something else. Something different.
We were sick of the stuff, the excess, the clutter. A life dictated by a 9-5 job. A rat race that had us thinking if only we had a bigger house, more storage, more money – things would be easier and/or we would be happier.
We spent the last year talking about buying a new house or moving to a new part of the country. We spent a year looking at big, beautiful houses – dream houses, really, but nothing felt just right. Even if we could afford it, we kept asking ourselves – will that gourmet kitchen really make us happy? Will that waterfront property really bring us joy? Maybe. But for how long? And how hard will we have to keep working to keep up with that dream house?
I remember growing up how much I loved reading the “choose your own adventure” books – where you choose the fate of the main character and you have a choice in how the story comes together. For so many of us (myself included) – we get to adulthood and we all seem to purchase the same copy of the American Dream how-to guide and we all just follow along. I think it’s easy to forget that we are storytellers – and our life is our story. My husband and I asked ourselves are we choosing our own adventure or are we just doing the status quo? And what was most important to us?
Don’t get me wrong – this life that we have built over the last 12 years, as a couple and a family, has been amazing. I wouldn’t trade those years for anything. We’re not running away from this life we’ve lived. But we are making a conscious choice to STOP and change direction. Something we’ve found takes a LOT of effort and work. We’re making a drastic CONSCIOUS change – to live with less – so that we can experience MORE.
Less square footage – more fresh air, open space and nature.
Less stuff – more experiences.
Less work – more quality time.
Less distractions – more memories.
I want my kids to fall into bed every night exhausted from a day of exploring. I want them to see the stars at night and the sunrise in the morning. I want them to get dirty, be brave and to meet (and accept) people of all walks of life. I want to instill in my kids a value for travel and an appreciation for various cultures. I want them to see what a beautiful country we live in and to learn it’s history, nature and cultures, firsthand. And more than anything, I want them to know – they can follow their dreams and they can choose their own adventure.
So we’re doing this – now. While we can. While we’re healthy. While our kids are old enough to appreciate it, but still young enough that we aren’t pulling them from extracurricular activities, sports and social circles. While the kids still seek our attention and want to spend time with us.
Thanks to our many, many years of living below our means and saving as much as we could – we paid cash for the trailer and the tow vehicle. We’ll be traveling debt-free. My husband took the next year off from teaching and I can’t wait to spend a year as a family, exploring, learning, loving and being together. My husband will be taking the lead on homeschooling the kids – but I think we’ll ALL be learning so much.
I will continue to blog here at Queen Bee Coupons while we’re on the road – it’s not only my baby but it will be our primary income source – so don’t you fret, it’s not going anywhere. In fact, I hope the content on this site gets better as we add new and interesting posts about traveling as a family, on a budget, debt-free, around the country.
I did create a blog JUST for our travels called I’ve already been posting over there and if you want to learn more about our journey, here are some good posts to read:
- Why we decided to travel full-time
- How we afford full-time travel
- What about the kid’s school?
- Our monthly budget on the road {tentative}
- Our maiden voyage to Grayland Beach State Park
Here are some ways you can follow us via :
- SUBSCRIBE to the Take That Exit email newsletter – probably the best way to get updates, since Facebook isn’t so great about sharing updates of your favorite pages these days. The email updates only go out when we have a new post – which likely won’t be more than once a day or 3-5 days a week.
I’ll be sharing all the details – the good, the bad and ugly.
- What’s it going to be like living with four people in 180 square feet?
- How are we making money on the road?
- How much does it cost to travel full-time in a trailer for a family of four?
- How are we going to homeschool our kids on the road?
- How will we handle the hardships – like repairs, breakdowns, stress, etc?
- What kinds of meals am I cooking on the road?
- What things are we learning about ourselves and the world on this journey?
All of this. I’m sharing it all. It won’t always be pretty, but it will be real. It’s us following our dream!
I hope you’ll join me – and virtually come along for the ride! I’m so attached to you and the Queen Bee community – a community that stretches across this beautiful country. I’ll need you along the way and I hope to keep providing value to you as we travel and grow through this journey!
And I’d LOVE for you to comment and share your suggestions or tips for places we should visit along the way.
Fantastic! What an amazing experience for all of you.
We’re also working on simplifying, to make more room in our lives in terms of time and space for what is truly important to us. I’m writing about our efforts every week here:
I just found your adventure from Money Saving Mom. If you are able to swing it you might want to consider becoming a member of your zoo and museum. Many of those memberships have reciprocity agreements with other zoos and museums (depending on membership) throughout the country that allow you to use your membership for admission for 1/2 off or sometimes free.
Hope to see you on the road! 😉
But a National Parks Pass for a one year pass and make it a point of being parked near a Park on a lot of your adventure. There is so much to learn and do for free as long as it is all provided by the parks. Junior Ranger programs as well.
I have been able to see the country with my family the best , don’t forget to take lots of pictures and use your weather radio, it is unpredictable. ENJOY
That’s awesome!! I think what you guys are doing is great! I think I have commented in the past and shared how my husband and I along with our four kids sold/gave away most of our belongings and moved from OH to western Wyoming a few mos ago. We are living very minimally in terms of belongings. We live at 7000 ft and have to drive 90 miles to the closest fast food or department stores. . . You know, we love it!! I know it’s different than what you guys are doing, but I totally get it. Our kids (and us) have had so many amazing experiences in the last few months that I wouldn’t trade for anything. I am no longer a slave to reorganizing “stuff” and we spend our time outside in the mountains and lakes or hopping in the car to explore in nearby states. My kids no longer ask for the latest toys or video games. They want to be out exploring. I feel like the scenery around me has healed some broken pieces I’ve been hanging onto for a long time. Good luck on your adventures!!
That’s amazing! Wishing you and your family a wonderful year of adventures!
Congratulations! ! What a fun exciting adventure!! If you plan on going through the Dakotas to see Mt. Rushmore….and are also planning on seeing Crazy Horse….go to Rushmore first. Crazy Horse is crazy bigger and makes Rushmore seem tiny 🙂 Oh yeah and Go see the Grand Canyon for me!! 🙂 Have a blast out there on your adventure!!!
Wishing you many blessings and happy trails
Good for you! Sounds like a fabulous journey. Can’t wait to follow you on the road.
So excited for your family and can’t wait to see the pictures as you travel! Your kids are at such great ages to enjoy this adventure – so fun! 🙂
We have full timed for 7years. It takes a bit to get used to having less of everything but so much more rewarding. Have fun and enjoy your family adventure…best education your children will get!
This has been such a dream of mine to do. I will love watching your journey this next year. If I could only convince my husband and kids…….
What a wonderful adventure you have in store! We would love to be able to do this with our kids one day.
A friend posted your website on my facebook page today and my heart melted. We are in the process of selling our house so we can make the adventure of a two years on the road. We have downsized everything and are praying God gives us the final piece of the puzzle.
Looking forward to following you and maybe one day meeting your family on the road! Blessings, Melissa Boyce
Congratulations. What a great adventure you have ahead of you. We have been on the road for a year in our Airstream too and can honestly say we don’t miss anything from our sticks and bricks life. We’ll follow your Take That Exit blog and maybe we’ll see you don the road somewhere.
I applaud you and your family for not only recognizing that you want something different but also being brave to say “we are going to do this.” My husband and I bought a motorhome with the intent to live in it full-time. Then he chickened out. While we still have the motorhome (and actually lived in it for a year while renovating a foreclosure we purcahsed) he is now ready to go full-time and I am the one saying “uh, how about six months?”
It will be an experience of a lifetime! Kudos to you for being debt free!!! I will definitely be following TakeThat
Safe Travels!!!
I love this!! You should def. visit Lava Hot Spings in Idaho, the hot pools are a special treat to be able to enjoy!!
Welcome to the Fulltime RV Families family Heather! 🙂
We’ve been enjoying the journey for the last 6 years. Our kids were quickly growing up, and we took the chance we had to travel while all of them were at home. Now there are just 8 of the 12 left, and none of us have any regrets from our crazy adventure. and no plan to get off the road either. Gypsy blood I guess. 🙂
I came across your blog for the first time, today, and will be following you on your journey! I know it will be a treasured time for your family. A suggested book to take along on your trip, it you do not already have it… Our 50 States (A Family Adventure Across America) by Lynne Cheney. We have taken this book on our vacations over the years, and our kids have thoroughly enjoyed it! Have a great year!
WOW! I’m really amazed but excited to hear about your daily life with this new adventure! I’ve heard about a family doing this before!
Good for you! We really enjoyed the Monument Valley/Four Corners/Zion National Park.
If you’re planning a low income year consider moving your pre-tax retirement to post-tax retirement accounts.
So exciting..I’m jelly..!
Heather! I am so excited to ride around with you on this journey! I knew you were going to living in an airstream. I put to and to together through Pinterest! 😉 what a great perspective to give all your fans!
Wow! What a fantastic opportunity. Airstreams are such nice trailers, you’ll be riding in style. As a homeschooling mom, I think this will probably be the best experience you have with your children!
That sounds so amazing!! What adventure!! Sounds like freedom!
I think what your doing is awesome!! We took over 2 months and traveled around the country back in 03 after my hubby came back from a long time away overseas. We bought a truck and camper. Our kids were 1, 5, and 7. It was a great way to reconnect as a family. We were able to see about 28 states, visit lots of great landmarks, and visit family along the way.. Now my boys are all teens and we wouldn’t have traded the experience for anything! I’m type A too and can’t believe we did it! I’m so thankful for our time and glad we stepped out and took the plunge while our kids were young. It wouldn’t be possible now. I’ll be praying for your journey and look forward to hearing about your adventures!!
AMAZING! Follow your dreams and enjoy this spectacular year with your sweet family. This is going to be the best adventure of your lives! I’ll be following you here and at your travel site…so excited for what God has in store for you all! Blessed be your journey!!
Hi Brooke – THANK YOU for your encouraging note. You’ve been following Queen Bee for so long – and I appreciate your support so much. 🙂
What are you doing with your lovely chickens?
Hi Patty – Great question! We found a new home for our chickens – on a beautiful 5-acre farm with other chickens to frolic in the sun with. 🙂 We miss them but know we’ll own chickens again in the future!
It sounds like they’re off to a new adventure, too.
Awesome. Good luck and have a wonderful journey.
Will be following you through your blog and excited for you. Post a lot of pictures 🙂
Hi Marj – Thank you for following us as we head off onto this journey. Pictures will be a big part of our updates! 🙂
beautiful post. I think it’s wonderful you love each other enough to spend time together in the same planet let alone 180 sq feet. good luck, safe travels, I’m jealous of the adventures you will have
Heather, Enjoy every day with your fabulous family. You deserve this adventure for all of your hard work. Safe travels, your kids will have amazing, wonderful memories to carry with them for life!
When I saw the picture of the air stream I was so worried you were closing up shop on the site. You are my favorite coupon site! So happy you are going to keep the site going and am so excited to see, hear and read all about your new adventures.
You will love this adventure. Hubby and I had a glorious three years traveling in our motor home. We had so many more years of traveling planned, sadly my husband passed away. You never know how life will turn out, so you are so right to go do it now while you are young. There are so many wonderful places to visit. Beauty that will take your breath away. We also saw poverty that made us cry. Best of all – we made wonderful new friends.
Deborah, I am so sorry for your loss. My parents also traveled in their RV around the US for several years, but my father suffered a brain injury in a bicycle accident and then a stroke with paralysis more recently. Their experience has helped my husband and I realize we shouldn’t postpone all our dreams until retirement because it might not come.
Excited for you! that sounds awesome!
This sounds amazing! Safe travels and enjoy every moment because it seems to go by so fast. You guys are doing something only most of us dream about, God bless your adventure!
GO FOR IT! Stay safe and God will provide!
Hi Debra – THANK YOU for your encouragement. Safety is at the top of our list and we’ve put lots of systems in place that will help with that. Thank you for your comment!!
Wow, this is wonderful I can not wait to see where you adventure takes you!! I would love to do this.
Thank you Emma! I can’t wait to share our adventures along the way. 🙂 I hope, if this is your dream, that you can make it happen one day. Anything is possible. Thank you for your encouragement!
Wow! Best of luck in your travels. I will reading your updates!
Kathy – Thank you for your encouragement! We are excited. Thanks for following along.
What a great adventure for your family! Looking forward to reading all about it.
Caro – Thank you for your encouragement! I appreciate your following along – and chiming in!
I have never commented before on your blog even though I have read it many times. Just wanted to say a big good for you. I hope and expect you will have an amazing adventure. What a gift you are giving yourself and your children.
Tina – Personally I’m a wallflower with most blogs, too. So I understand the reading a blog – but not commenting thing. Glad you finally chimed in and I am so grateful for your encouragement! We do see this is a gift to ourselves and our children. I’m anxious and excited all at the same time. 🙂
Good for you! We LOVE our Airstream and all the adventures we have been on in it. I am sure you will meet some great “Airstreamers” along the way as well – it’s a community like no other. Grayland is also one of our favorite camping places. Great first stop! Best of luck to you and your family. Looking forward to reading about your journey!!
Hi Jackie! Are you a Washington Airstreamer!?! Are you full-timing right now? What are some of your other favorite spots? Thank you for your encouraging words!
For the past few months I have checked your site daily awaiting this big reveal!!! I just realized how attached I am to your blog when I started crying 🙁 I have 4 year old twins and strive to make all the memories I can with them and I am so excited that you are able to do this. Enjoy the good moments and laugh off the tough ones. I look forward to reading along with your journey.
Oh Theresa – your comment brought tears to my eyes. I’m so grateful for you and my readers. When I say “you are my people” – I mean it. I am so grateful for each and everyone of you. And as a mom – I can relate. The days are long but the years are short – soak up time with those sweet twins. I love your comment “enjoy the good moments and laugh off the tough ones” because I know it won’t be all roses and sunshine – and I’m interested to see the personal growth that comes with the tough times. 🙂 HUGS to you and appreciate your sweet comment.
Please reach out to your fans when you are in the different stares throughout the country because you have fans ALL over. I’m a big fan so when you’re in Ohio , if you need anything, please feel free to reach out to me! Until then, I’ll just follow and support your website as well as your future endeavors 🙂
Hi Dorka – THANK YOU for offering up your support all the way from Ohio. We definitely plan to stop in Ohio – I want to tour the Airstream Factory in Jackson, Ohio! 🙂 Thank you for following my site and supporting us – it means so much!
What a great adventure! Go for it and enjoy your family.
Thank you Tina! I appreciate your encouragement. I’m looking forward to enjoying this adventure with my family!
When you started talking about downsizing and big changes, I thought that it either had to be something like this or a return to Alaska. I’m definitely following your other blog to see how your adventure unfolds!
Kim – You were on the right track for sure! All that downsizing was for a very specific purpose – ain’t now way we’re filling 180-ish square feet with stuff we don’t need. 🙂 Appreciate you following my site and for your encouraging comment!
Heather and Jeremy, you’re an inspiration to us all! Let me know if you need me to mail you a little piece of home along the way. When my family traveled a few years ago, I remember LOVING New Orleans. The variety of culture surprised me. My first recommendation would be to plan to spend some time near NO and enjoy the city tours, hurricane stories, graveyards, and the French Quarter. Enjoy!!!
Thank you Kelly! We will miss the good people of Olympia – like you and your sweet family, but excited to meet people from all over the country. I might take you up on mailing me something from home, I’m interested to see what I’ll miss most!? New Orleans is definitely on our list. 🙂 Thanks for the tip!
My family and I have been on the road for four years and haven’t regretted a moment of it! Seen many wonderful things and met some really amazing people! Enjoy the journey – you will have memories that last forever!
Hi Danielle – Thank you for taking the time to comment! Do you move around a lot or are you stationary? We are excited about all the things we’ll see and the people we will meet. Maybe we’ll see you on the road!
When we first started we were on a mad dash to see lots of things, now we take our time -spending a month or so at a location. Warning – our trip was only supposed to be 6 months, but we fell in love with being able to work from anywhere and the lack of bills! Freedom!!!
If you ever have questions about anything regarding life on the road, let me know!
I am so happy for you!!! I have been having this same talk with my husband for years to do something like this! what a great experience for you and your family. I can’t wait to hear all about it!
Hi Mich – Thanks for commenting and for your encouragement. We found that as soon as we started having the conversation – about what was truly possible – we really opened our eyes to following our hearts. i’ve never seen my husband happier. We’ve never been more united and I’m excited for our adventures. Good for you to keep having the same talk with your husband – together you can do anything you put your minds to.