Today wraps up week 7 of downsizing the items in our house. As I mentioned earlier this month, my goal for March is on DONATING and giving items away.
If you missed it earlier, here is why we are downsizing:
- We have plans to move this summer and instead of upgrading to a bigger, better house, we plan to dramatically reduce our square footage. We aren’t being forced to do this – it’s a choice. We want to spend less on our next “home” so that we can focus more on things we love and value – like travel.
- I want to own my stuff and not have it own me. Ultimately I only want to keep the items that a.) serve a purpose and b.) that bring me joy.
Downsizing progress to date –
Week 1 update here – earned $548.16
Week 2 update here – earned $1,283.47
Week 3 update here – earned $432.40
Week 4 update here – earned $300
Week 5 update here – earned $395
Week 6 update here – earned $160
Week 7 update – earned zilch, nada, nothing!
Year-to-date – $3,119.03
MARCH progress
This last week I was able to drop off brand new baby clothes and gently used baby quilts to CareNet Pregnancy Center. The quilts were made by a family friend when my kids were born, plus we also donated new receiving blankets and about 10 brand new baby outfits (still had tags!). Also donated a brand new plush bear (not pictured). I would love to gather more baby clothes and donate to CareNet this next week. My daughter and I brought them in on Wednesday – by Friday they had sent me a hand-written thank you card in the mail – very thoughtful!
And this week, I didn’t SELL ANYTHING in the Facebook groups or online. My husband was out of town for half of the week at an educator’s conference and I didn’t feel comfortable schlepping the kids to pick-up/drop-off locations to sell items. So I took this week off. Although I felt a bit guilty – I enjoyed the break! I did take a bunch of photos and hope to get them uploaded online tomorrow and hopefully this next week will be a productive week for selling more stuff.
Check back next Sunday for my next update – hopefully I’ll be able to donate and sell more items this week!
If you’re joining me for Project Downsize – I’d love to hear what you got rid of this week! Pick a goal for this week and share it here, please!
I have been going back and forth as to whether to comment on this post: is it any of my business? Aren’t people entitled to their own beliefs? But I have been following this blog for a couple years and have never seen anything that made me go “hmmm, I don’t know how I feel about that….” The whole project downsize has been really inspiring to me and my family and we have started the purge. But to donate to this organization and what they stand for, I don’t know if I would consider this donating to those in need. I lived in Olympia, I know about this organization. Look at the website…donating to them is not giving to those in need but rather supporting a group that steers women in crisis to deliver babies they cannot care for or support and/or to give them up for adoption. Why not donate to some of the women’s shelters like you had before? Or some of the groups that work with WIC? And maybe you feel strongly about this group and their message but I was surprised. I feel like a jerk for even saying anything but it has been on my mind. Sincerely, a mother, a nurse, a couponer
Hi Seattle Nurse,
FIRST of all – thank you for commenting! I want my readers to always know they can have an open, honest dialogue with me – even if they feel like they don’t agree with me or something I blog about. I feel that dialogue like this is what educates us, improves us, connects us and makes us better people – so I’m grateful for the opportunity.
Secondly, I’ll be honest, I donated to Carenet after asking friends and family where I could donate baby items. It came up a few times and I did a quick search online – saw that they had a “store” for used baby items for their clients and thought that was a great service. I realize that when you donate items to an organization it is essentially supporting them and their “beliefs” and mission statement. Perhaps I didn’t do the best job vetting organizations to donate to – and may have naively donated based on recommendations and superficial information. Because of your comment I’ll do more research and take into consideration your input – as a nurse, I value it greatly!
And finally – thank you for being a nurse. I’m so grateful for quality healthcare and people, like you, who work in service to humanity. 🙂 It’s a tough gig, I’m certain of that, but I’m thankful for you and other people who help keep us safe and well.
I appreciate you following my site all these years and if you’re ever on the fence again about whether or not to comment – please do.
So glad I didn’t greatly offend. I often talk about your blog with my husband – who is a little skeptical of my coupon ways and deals on deals – and it is intriguing to him. I tell him “she makes things from scratch…she uses a slow cooker…I think she had chickens at one point!…she is downsizing…she is not a hoarder!…she sells books on Amazon…” These are all things I have been trying to do and things he has been interested now as well. Your site is basically my supporting argument for why I do some of the things I do. And it works! So when I saw this info about the baby blankets and mentioned it to him, he was like “why don’t you say something? That’s what blogs are about – sharing info, exchanging ideas.” Glad I listened to him and glad to hear that you are okay with feedback. Thanks for all that you do. I follow your blog closely and it helps me shop smartly and inspires me to live more simply and richly. Thanks again, Marisa (nurse, mother, couponer)
Ahhh, your comment means so much to me! I’m glad that my blog has encouraged you to try new things. I’m glad I can be your supporting argument for giving things a try. 🙂 It takes all kinds to make the world go ’round and I’m as quirky and strange as they get. Chickens, crockpots, downsizing – it’s always something with me. I have fun plans for this next year (hence the big downsize) which I hope to announce in a couple months. Stay tuned – things should continue to be interesting (and hopefully inspiring). HUGS to you and cheers to trying new things!
It is fun to follow your journey of downsizing. How many square feet is your current house and what is the square foot estimate for your new place? Thank you for sharing!
Holly – Good question. More on this later. 🙂 Think small. Then think smaller. 🙂