Oh my, oh my – this is an exciting deal that is really pretty simple to do. Safeway has select Suave products on sale for $0.99 when you buy two or more. When you purchase two products, out pops a catalina coupon for $2 off two (2) more! Making your next two FREE and every two after that!!
After getting this tip from Jennifer on the Queen Bee Facebook page, I went and tested the deal at my local Safeway and it worked like a charm. Jennifer is down in Coos Bay, Oregon – so we know it’s not limited to just one location (should be all Northwest Safeway stores!)
Here’s how to do the deal:
Transaction #1
Buy two Suave Professionals products at $0.99 each
Your total should be = $1.98 plus tax ($2.15 for me)
Pay out of pocket $2.15
After you pay, the catalina machine should print a coupon for $2 off any two (2) Suave Professionals Hair Care products (excluding trial and travel sizes)
Transaction #2
Buy two Suave Professionals products at $0.99 each
Your total should be = $1.98 plus tax ($2.15 for me)
Use the $2 coupon from the first transaction
Final price = $0.15 tax (FREE for those of you in Oregon!)
Rinse and repeat.
I also noticed that the Men’s Suave 2-in-1 is on sale for $0.99 when you buy two. I purchase two in a transaction and got a catalina for $3 off any two hair products from Dove Men+Care, Suave Men or Axe – this also makes them FREE. Because the coupon is for more than the price of two, I recommend having the cashier adjust the coupon down or buying a third one.
If you want to get BOTH products, but want to minimize the number of transactions, you can do this:
Transaction #1
Buy two Suave Professionals products at $0.99 = $1.98
Buy two Suave Men products at $0.99 = $1.98
Pay out of pocket = $3.96
After you pay you’ll receive the $2/2 Suave Professionals coupon AND the $3/2 Suave Men coupon
Transaction #2
Buy two Suave Professionals products at $0.99 = $1.98
Buy two Suave Men products at $0.99 = $1.98
Total before coupons = $3.96
Pay with $2/2 Suave Professionals coupon AND the $3/2 Suave Men coupon. This will be MORE than the subtotal for these products so you can have the cashier adjust the coupon down. Or, consider buying three Suave Men products.
After you pay you’ll get ANOTHER $2/2 Suave Professionals coupon AND the $3/2 Suave Men coupon! Crazy huh?
Let’s talk about shelf clearing. FREE shampoo/conditioner with unlimited coupons is a pretty sweet deal. You could spend an afternoon doing transactions and clearing the shelves. But I would really recommend only buying what you can NEED and allowing others to get the deal as well. Times are tough and although the early bird gets the worm – sometimes it’s nice to leave worms for others who may also need them.
*IF your store is out of stock. And it will likely be after a day or so. Get a raincheck for the products. There is NO guarantee that the coupon will still be printing when it’s in stock – but it’s really your only option. The sale price of $0.99 goes until March 25 – let’s hope this coupon prints for awhile.
One last disclaimer – I have NO idea how long this coupon will print. Today could be the last day – I really have no way of knowing. Let me know how this deal works for you!
Find other Safeway deals here.
(Thanks, Jennifer!)
Tried tonight and it didn’t print. 🙁
Somebody in Maple Valley AND Covington wasn’t very concerned with letting any one else have any… the Safeway employees at both stores said that one person came in yesterday and bought EVERY ONE of the ones on the shelf! Come on people, do you really need 60 bottles of shampoo and conditioner?
I agree COMPLETELY!!!!! The careless few are ruining coupons for everyone! Almost every store in my area is getting tired of couponers. We are getting a bad rap lately…and sooooooooo many of my stores are setting super strict limits!!!!
Does anyone know if this deal is still working, today? I found a Safeway that still had some product, yesterday. Since I used the self checkout, I was able to use the Catalinas during the transaction and got 2 Suave Professionals and 3 Men’s Suave for just the tax, 24 cents! However, I like the idea of using the overage to buy other things, too.
It worked great here in Ellensburg, WA. I bought the Women’s & Men’s Shampoo together, and, after the first transaction the cashier just zeroed out the total, so I didn’t even pay tax. Totally awesome. Actually, I ended up right behind another woman who was doing the same thing! 😀
Went to Renton Safeway got 2 suave mens and received both the $3 Catalina and the $2. Made this deal even better!
So you only bought the men’s, but received both Qs?
Bought the women’s suave and got the $2 Catalina, then tried the mens and got both. I then did 2 more transactions with the mens and both times I got both. I had a friend do it also and it worked for her. Maybe just an issue with that stores Catalina machine
Both deals worked for me. Instead of getting a 3rd men’s suave , since Garnier was on sale for 2/$5, I used $2/1 Garnier MQ and used the overage from men’s suave to cover the rest of the Garnier paying only tax for 2 men’s, 2 professionals and 2 garniers in each transaction.
Worked perfectly @ the Lacey Safeway on Martin last night! They had lots of the Suave professionals, but only a handful left of the $0.99 Men’s Suave products. I was able to get 2 professionals and 3 Mens with a $0.79 candy filler, use my 2 coupons and pay $1.18 including tax! Awesome! =D
Will the catalina print out if I use (2) $1.50 Suave Professionals 3.9.14 RedPlum coupons to buy the first 2 Suave products at Safeway?
It should Inna, the catalina isn’t effected by the use of coupons…but the $1.50 coupon you are referring to is only good on the Suave Professionals Infusion products, which are not $0.99…they are $2.99 sale price. So even with your coupon you will still pay more for those than just buying 2 of the $0.99 ones to start with! =)
Deal work for me at the Maple Valley & Covington, WA Safeways. I went late last night. Checkers were amazed at the deal I got. I’m going to donate to a local woman’s shelter in my area. Plus give a few to a neighbor down on his luck.
can any one confirm its working at walgreens? TIA
Yes i got my coupons at Walgreens
has anyone tried it at walgreens?
These Cats are printing out at Target but they’re $2/2. In combination with the Target coupon they’re less then 50 cents I think. Still a petty good deal!
Don’t know if anybody is over this way, but it is working in Grand Coulee, WA!
Wahoo! Thanks for sharing Jennifer. And thanks for following me over in Grand Coulee – so appreciate it!
I got 70 cents back on my second transaction
Andrea – How did that work? I’m 99% sure they are NOT supposed to give cash back if the coupon value is more than the product.
I have no clue! That is just what happened…. so when I went in for one m8re set I got a pack of gum too… pait 73 cents that time
My store’s register did that too, the change came out the change machine, but I returned it to the cashier the 3 times I did it. The cashier put it back in his till. The coupon just went through, no beep, just showed a negative balance.
What Safeway, Heather? Is there any stock @ the one by Walmart in HP?
Hey Heather, should be working at ALL Safeway stores. I went to the Yelm highway Safeway store – and I left that store with lots of stock. I’m not sure about Hawks Prairie. The earlier you go the better your chances of stock.
sounds good, Heather. I’m going to check Hawks Prairie and let y’all know my results 🙂 🙂
Hope you have a fruitful trip!
Worked in West Seattle! Thank you!
Did you go and come back already? You are LIGHTNING fast, if so!
Sure did LOL I like free stuff! There was a ton of stock too 🙂
Awesome Gwenn!
The catalinas are printing out at Walgreens as well. They have a buy one get one 1/2 off deal going on this week.