Alicia sent in this recipe for Red Hot Applesauce. We actually made it in the crockpot and let it simmer on low most of the day – our house smelled delicious. This is a very sweet applesauce and very cinnamon-y, I think it definitely falls into the dessert category. The color is vibrant bright red, perfect for the holidays.
Here’s what Alicia wrote:
I wanted to share with you one of my favorite recipes that my family likes to have during the holidays. It was brought to our attention by my great grandmother who is no longer with us, but we still have it in her honor since it is tradition now. My brother loves it so much that sometimes I can it and send him some when I have extra apples. Enjoy!
Now on to the recipe. . .
8 apples, granny smiths are good
3/4 cup red cinnamon candies
We ended using about 1/2 cup and it worked just fine for us. Add more if you want more cinnamon!
1/2 cup sugar or sugar substitute, such as Splenda
3/4 cup water
Core the apples, but it isn’t necessary to peel them.
Dice them up into fine chunks
Put all ingredients into a large pot and bring to a boil
Reduce to the slowest simmer
Cover, stirring occasionally, until you reach the consistency you want (the longer, the finer texture) – about three hours
*OR* put all ingredients into crockpot and simmer on low for six hours
This recipe is part of my Holiday Favorite Recipes series. Alicia won a $10 Amazon e-gift card for having her recipe featured on the blog. I’d love for you to send in your favorite holiday recipe, if it’s chosen as a featured recipe on the blog, you’ll also get a $10 Amazon e-gift card. All submitted recipes will be included in a Holiday Favorites recipe book, which I’ll provide as a FREE download sometime in December.
Other holiday recipes I’ve posted:
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