Alexia’s elf has a snowball fight with a super hero. She gave me permission to share.
Elf on the Shelf ideas
I’m horrible at this Elf on the Shelf thing. Like, really bad. We have two of them. A boy and a girl elf. I had the best intentions when I bought them last year – I was going to be an awesome mom and Elf-it-up every night. I was going to create this magical, elaborate world of Elf scenes and adventures.
Fast forward to yesterday. This is the conversation in our house:
Son (6-yrs old) – Hey mom, our elf didn’t move last night!
Mom (me) – Ummm. Yes, they do that sometimes when they have a comfortable spot.
Husband – Yes, I think they like that they can see the TV from that spot!
Son – Ahhh, okay! (Runs off)
Yes, our elves are not the ones you see on Pinterest. They are fairly pathetic. Some nights they don’t move.
Conversation at our house late last night:
Me – Hey, you want to go move the elves? We forgot about them again.
Husband – Not really.
Me – Okay, me either. . . .Did you see what Alexia put on Facebook? A photo of her elf having a snowball fight with an action figure. It was really cool. We really should do stuff like that. We are so lame.
Husband – No I didn’t see it. (Silence). I’ll go move them . . . . (leaves for 2 minutes). Okay it’s done. They are in the kitchen with a candy cane.
Me – Sounds good to me. Thank you. . .
So there you have it.
And so I thought it might be fun to see what you are doing with the elves in your house!
Send in your photos of your Elf on the Shelf doing fun and crazy things. If I feature your Elf on the Shelf here on Queen Bee Coupons you’ll get a $5 Amazon e-gift card.
- Please make sure your photo is CLEAR (not blurry) and has good lighting. It will be more likely to be featured if we can see what’s happening in the photo.
- Keep it clean. This is a G-rated site.
- Depending on how many Elf on the Shelf photos I receive I may not be able to feature them all. I will do my best. But please don’t take it personally – I’m sure your elf is awesome.
- You can send in more than one photo per family
- Don’t crop or resize the photo too small, send me the original if you can!
Please email your photos to with the subject line Elf on the Shelf entry and include these details:
- Your name or family name
- Your Elf’s name
- A caption for the photo, so I know what’s going on
You are granting me permission to share the photo on my site and include it in future posts about anything pertaining to the Elf on the Shelf.
Tooo bad those elves are soooo expensive $20-$25!!! Let me know if they go on sale as I’m an unemployed student!
Well I can one up you because I forgot to move ours 2 days in a row. The kids were convinced he was sick and begun to blame my youngest (7 yrs) for touching him and ruining his magic. So after they left for school I took him down, cursing the darn elf. Then, forgetting what I’d done at 8:30 am, was pleasantly surprised when they noticed his absence upon their return from school. Speculation ran wild (he fell from his spot and the dog dragged him off, Santa took him home and we’ve lost our elf, he’s afraid for Evan the 7 yr old and is hiding) but they settled on the idea that he was sick (at some mothers prompting thoughts) and a rescue squad came in to take him to the North Pole Hospital. Magically he appeared the next morning on the tree. RESET! So now I have a post in note on my bathroom mirror that says “vitamins” (because my kids can read, but believe) to remind me when I’m brushing my teeth to move that gosh darn elf! Thank God we’re only 18 days from the end! 🙂
That is tooo funny Mary! Vitamins. Might have to do that, too. 🙂
I love the conversation between you and your husband! Totally cracked me up, because that’s probably how it would go between me and my husband as well. =)
Your post cracked me up! I haven’t bought Elf on the Shelf. Almost did this year but I’m too cheap. We have a singing “Jingle Puppy” who is up to mischief instead :). But I do nothing that takes longer than 2 minutes!
Don’t be too hard on yourself. If took them about 30 bottles of wine to come up with idea. 😉